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These pages may be useful in getting to grips with Microsoft
 | Word
 | Here then is an offering of some first rate unofficial Office Suite
tutorials. Some are more basic, others more sophisticated, but all will serve you well for
teacher training. Enjoy! |
 | Microsoft Software Tutorials -
 |'s Josh Andrews provides links to many cool tips sites for
Office users, including a headliner on activating an autosave feature in Excel and tips
for sharing Office documents. This is continually updated and keep current, so check back
often! |
 | Microsoft Word Tutorial -
 | The BayBon Group offers this free series of mini-lessons on everything from toolbars and
formatting features to setting up tables. The screen capture images offer nice
illustration of how to access various features in Word. |
 | Microsoft Word Basics -
 | The Conneaut School District in Linesville, Pennsylvania offers this excellent
beginner's guide to making use of Word's word processing functions. This is not an
advanced tutorial and the graphics seem a little off color, but they are effective. |
 | Microsoft Word Knowdule -
 | Louisiana State University offers this excellent set of activities complete with
step-by-step pop-up windows and Real Player animations to help guide you each step of the
way. The set of 5 tutorials range from basic skills to creating web pages using Word.
Excellent tutorials for Excel and PowerPoint, as well as an Office overview, too! |
 | Excel
 | Here then is an offering of some first rate unofficial Office Suite
tutorials. Some are more basic, others more sophisticated, but all will serve you well for
teacher training. Enjoy! |
 | Excel Tutorial -
 | The Glendora Public Library offers these eight lessons on worksheets,
workbooks, formulae and creating charts in an easy to use format with select screen
captures to aid in your understanding of the spreadsheet environment. There is a companion
Word tutorial too. |
 | Microsoft Excel Tutorial -
 | Function X offers a set of basic tutorials plus downloadable exercises
that you can open while offline to sharpen your skills. In addition to all the basics of
Excel, this set of activities delves deeper into important topics such as printing issues,
working with templates, and the importing and exporting of spreadsheets. |
 | Microsoft Excel '97 -
 | Here is a great set of twelve lessons on Excel '97 along with a set of three data disk
files you can download and use on your own for further practice. There's even a Windows
tutorial for you Mac folks. Links to PowerPoint, Word and Access tutorials too. |
 | Microsoft Access Tutorial -
 | Developed with educators in mind, this digital version of a quick
reference card offers the most basic explanations of a database, tables. fields, queries
and more in a way that distills the basics from more sophisticated database concepts.
Great for beginners! |
 | Microsoft Access Tutorials-
 | This collection of downloadable .pdf files takes you from introductory database concepts
through more intermediate features to help you master all the power Access has to offer.
There are also Access and Excel support files to help you practice the skills taught
herein. |
 | Access Latest Version -
 | The University of North Carolina offers this detailed collection of
mini-lessons on Access '97 and 2000, including more advanced functions such as forms,
reports and macros. This is not the place to start, but certainly a good place to work
towards as you master databases! |
 | Office '97 PowerPoint Tutorial -
 | Very basic step-by-step slide show with lots of graphic images to help
you learn the ins and outs of this popular presentation software. I especially like the
graphic design considerations offered at the end of the presentation - great for the
novice! |
 | PowerPoint Tutorial -
 | UCLA presents this highly graphical set of reference cards which take you from beginning
PowerPoint skills through custom animation options - virtually everything you need to
create your own slide show from scratch. This is a good starting point. |