CofE since 1800

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General Resources:
Anglican Timeline an excellent resource with interactive links to other sites, arranged broadly by period [from C1 - C20] and theme.  A US site so includes the colonisation of America
Spartacus Internet Encyclopedia - Religion and Society sections on religious leaders, religious groups, Unitarians and social reform, Quakers and social reform, Christian socialist movement, Evangelical movement, Religion and politics.  Good interactive texts.


Oxford Movement Sites:
Text of Keble's Sermon 'National Apostasy' [14/7/1833]
Texts of The Tracts for the Times
Texts of various of Newman's writings:
William Temple [Archbishop of Canterbury 1942-44]
Texts and Extracts:
'Where and how the Church should interfere in the Social Order' by William Temple
Lambeth Conference Archives
1867 - 1988

lambethposter.jpg (193271 bytes)    1998 Lambeth Conference Poster - Click for full size

Church of England Today:
Anglican Communion Official Website
Church of England Website: