Liberation Theology

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Academic Essays, Lectures and Articles
"Instruction on Certain Aspects of the 'Theology of Liberation'" Aug 6, 1984 Cardinal Ratzinger's attack on Liberation Theology. It did not, however, "ban" such theology.
Liberation Theology:   Soldiers of the Cross or of Marx? Dr. Ronald Nash by Professor of Philosophy at Reformed Theological Seminary-Orlando. Eternity, July/August, 1986
'Christian Revolution in Latin America: The Changing Face of Liberation Theology.' Ron Rhodes, Copyright 1994 by the Christian Research Institute. Christian Research Journal, Winter 1991. An informed but critical article by an Evangelical writer.
Liberation Theology in the New International Context:  New Themes and Challenges by Pablo Richard c.1991
The Dangers of Liberation Theology  By Ray Hundley, a Canadian Baptist pastor - acdemic credenitals unknown
'What remains to be done in liberation theology?'  Francisco Chamberlain SJ who works in a shanty town on the outskirts of Lima, Peru.  1997
'Official'/Vatican Responses to Liberation Theology:
Pope Paul VI: Populorum Progressio: The Development of Peoples, 1967
Pope John Paul II: Opening Address at the Puebla Conference, 1979.
Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith Instruction on Certain Aspects of "Theology of Liberation", August 6, 1984
Websites devoted to Liberation Theology
Liberation Theology and Land Reform online Theological Course  from the Henry George Insistute.   There is a lot of useful material here.  The course costs $12, but you can access the whole of the site regardless of this payment.  There are 'readings' from texts online questions to email to your tutor and links.  Well worth a visit and the $12!
Liberation Theology   a site produced by Craig Pendleton [?] text and links
Centre for Liberation Theology, Faculty of Theology, Sint-Michielsstraat, Belgium
Feminist Theology
The debate over feminist Theology:  Which view is biblical?  Ron Rhodes, Copyright 1994 by the Christian Research Institute. Christian Research Journal, Winter 1991. An informed but critical article by an Evangelical writer.
Black Theology
Black Theology, Black Power and the Black Experience Ron Rhodes, Copyright 1994 by the Christian Research Institute. Christian Research Journal, Winter 1991. An informed but critical article by an Evangelical writer.