Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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unfortunately I have not been able to find any of Bonhoeffer's works on line, presumably because of copyright restrictions.
On the need to struggle in this world a short extract from Letters and Papers from Prison
Websites devoted to Bonhoeffer research
Dietrich Bonhoeffer Home Page  a good site for Bonhoeffer biography, research, links
Bonhoeffer's Cell  a web club on Bonhoeffer, links, essays
Brief Biography:  Westminster Abbey Statues
A Brief Biography and Time Line a useful starting point for sixth-formers
Christian History Institute:  Glimpses Issue 63 dedicated to Bonhoeffer
Holocaust Heroes:   Bonhoeffer reasons why Bonhoeffer should be labelled a Righteous Gentile
US Holocaust Memorial Museum:   Bonhoeffer  a good [seven page] overview of Bonhoeffer's life and work
Academic Essays on Bonhoeffer available on-line
Bonhoeffer and the Sovereign State by Jean Bethke Elshtain the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor in the Divinity School at the University of Chicago Copyright (c) 1996 First Things 65 (August/September 1996): 27-30
Dietrich Bonhoeffer by Todd Kappelman an introductory essay by an American academic:  the man and his mission, the cost of discipleship, the sermon on the mount, Ethics, prison correspondence + fully referenced notes.
July 20th. 1944 Conspiracy   Otto Ernst Remer's account of his involvement in the July 20th. plot.