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Pius XI and the Third Reich

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Text of the Concordat between the Holy See and the Third Reich 20th. July 1933
Mit Brennender Sorge Encyclical of Pius XI on the Church and the German Reich March 14, 1937
Hitler a Loyal Catholic? lots of useful quotes on the relationship between the Catholic Church and Hitler/ Third Reich


Pius XII:  Hitler's Pope?

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The charge:
Hitler's Pope by John Cornwall  Vanity Fair Article - a summary of his book ideal for A'level students
The defence
'Pius XII and the Holocaust'   A Catholic Response Inc. article to accusations levelled at Pius XII
'The Church and the Jews in the Third Reich' by Lothar Groppe SJ  defence of the actions of the Papacy in Germany
'The Church's struggle with the Third Reich' by Lothar Groppe SJ on the Catholic Church's attitude to National Socialism
Pope Pius XII according to the Pope's Housekeeper reported in The Popessa, Adolf Hitler came to visit Pacelli when he was Nuncio in Bavaria in 1919.
We Remember:  A reflection on the Shoah March 16, 1998
Text of We Remember:  A reflection on the Shoah  March 16, 1998  A strident defence by the Vatican of the policy of Pius XII towards the Third Reich and the Holocaust.  Alternative Link to the same text
Responses to 'We Remember'
'We Remember':  A constructive Critique by John T. Pawlikowksi, O.S.M. Professor of Social Ethics at the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago


The persecution of Catholics in the Third Reich
Persecution of Catholics in the Third Reich  information and links on those who died