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This page provides links to resources to archive and other material relating to Old Testament [Jewish Bible] and New Testament studies.

General Biblical Material
Resource Pages for Biblical Studies compiled by Torrey Seland, assoc. prof. Biblical Studies, Volda University College, Norway. 
Oxford University Computer-Assisted Theology:  Bible A good site for sixth formers and beyond
The New Testament Gateway This is an excellent British site managed by Dr. Mark Goodacre of Birmingham University.  It is very easy to navigate and is updated regularly.  There are a number of good academic on-line essays as well as good links that will be useful for A'level students.
Biblical Texts
World Wide Study Bible
Biblical Commentaries
World Wide Study Bible
Bible Study
Organisation of Biblical Studies
Biblical Studies Foundation
Biblica Published since 1920 by the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome, now available online.  Back issues [1990-99] of the online version fully indexed [by author only].
Video Resources
The Jesus Film
Online Games
Bible Quizzes - organised by theme
Bible Knowledge Quiz
Bible Games and Quizzes
Interactive Map of Jerusalem in the First Century
Interactive Map of the Via Dolorosa6017