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General Sites
Internet Encyclopaedia of Philosophy
Philosophy Text Collection (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy) - a subsection of this site contains lots of original, important texts.
TPM:  The Philosopher's Magazine on the Net
Theologians - articles and links to the works of important philosophers including Tillich and Bultmann.
Hume Archive
Existentialism The Realm of Existentialism by Katharena Eiermann - an excellent page to introduce existentialism and lots of links.


Click on the issue which you want to study:

The Argument from Design Sea of Faith


The Argument from Design
William Paley Natural Theology
William Paley Natural Theology text of Paley's essay - scroll down to Paley and select.
The analogy of the Watch is the opening argument - I don't trust this link, but it may work!
Charles Darwin  Origin of Species
Richard Dawkins
The Blind Watchmaker

See the section on creation/evolution in the science & religion debate on this site


Critiques of Paley and arguments for evolution
Critique of William Paley's argument  This is an excellent, brief critique of Paley's argument
Critique of Dawkins
Apologia Atheos: The Watchmaker argument refuted
Design v. Chance Debate


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Sea of Faith
Don Cupitt


Sea of Faith Net - Religious Atheisms

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